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Minebea Intec称重传感器

单价: 面议
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 河北 石家庄市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2024-08-30 10:08
浏览次数: 12
Minebea Intec称重传感器
Minebea Intec称重传感器柱式传感器也可称为柱式测力传感器,是称重传感器的一种,是一种将质量信号转变为可测量的电信号输出的装置,主要有S型、悬臂型、轮辐式、板环式、膜盒式、桥式、柱筒式等几种样式。
The Sartorius PR 6201 range of load cells is specially designed for weighing silos,tanks and process vessels.The unique design principle,in combination with the FlexLock installation kits,makes it to counterbalance movements arising from mechanical or thermal expansion or contraction of the vessel or its supporting construction.A particular design characteristic is that the overall height and shape of the load cell remain unchanged,even after two decades of use.Alongside this,the unit has an especially high overload capacity of up to 200%。
德国Sartorius PR6201的量程是专为称重筒仓,槽罐配料和过程容器应用而设计。其无二的设计原理,结合FlexLock的装配套件,使得平衡容器或者其支撑结构上机械或热的膨胀收缩而引起的移动成为可能。PR6201的特点是即使使用几十年,仍能保证传感器的高度和形状不会发生变化。此外,过载能力可达到传感器总量程的200%。
At the same time,this range distinguishes itself–in addition to its high measurement accuracy and repeatability-above all for its unmatched reliability,robustness and stability,which enable trouble-free operation without adjustment,year after year.The pendulum support principle,combined with patented measuring element geometry,ensures that force transmission into the sensor is always at the optimum level and,in this way,the effect on measurement accuracy is minimized.At the same time,the load cell offers a particularly high overload range,high repeatability and perfect linearity。
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